The gifts of the spirit are many… But we can all speak with utter authenticity about our own lives, our own experiences of God. And sometimes those very personal stories are the ones which touch people…
Let us learn how to share our stories and encourage each other to ‘gossip the Gospel’…
Living our Christian faith is not only about reading the Scriptures, prayer, worship and about sharing the Gospel and our stories of faith. It is also intimately tied up with being accountable for how we live, as individual Christians and as church organisations.
Are our ministry units blessings to the communities they serve? What values do they model? Do we witness to Christ? This may seem a ‘no-brainer’ – but modelling, witnessing and being a blessing are core to our spiritual development, to our integrity and to our witness.
[The Rt Rev’d Dr Sarah Macneil, Bishop of Grafton, from her Synod Address, 6/ 2015]